Anda Penderita Diabetes? Ini Ponsel Terbaik Memantau Kadar Gula Darah

Teknologi ponsel ini hadir untuk membantu para penderita diabetes yang ingin memantau kadar gula darah.Jika Anda penderita diabetes, tentu Anda ingin dapat mengontrol kadar gula darah Anda. Tapi jika Anda kesulitan mengetahui informasi kadar gula, jangan khawatir, karena sekarang sudah ada teknologinya.
Teknologi ini akan dikeluarkan Fujitsu Ltd akhir Juni nanti. Bentuk perangkatnya adalah ponsel yang dapat tersambung dengan alat deteksi kadar gula.
Fujitsu bekerja sama dengan Arkray Inc, sebuah perusahaan spesialis produksi alat-alat deteksi. Alat deteksi dari Arkray dapat dihubungkan ke ponsel, dan aplikasi dalam ponsel akan merekam dan menyimpan data kadar gula darah Anda.
Tidak hanya di ponsel, informasi itu juga tersimpan pada server, sehingga dapat Anda pantau di komputer. Data gula darah Anda tampil dalam bentuk statistik yang dapat dicetak dalam format PDF.
Namun layanan yang disebut Body Life Diabetes Support ini baru akan dipasarkan di Jepang saja. (*)
My boyfriend and I met three years ago on herpes dating site so we discovered we are +ve from the beginning of our relationship, that we both had genital herpes. My first outbreak was the ABSOLUTE worst experience, I was so sick. We suffered for one year plus, had constant outbreaks and then finally we decided to both respectively take Dr Utu African Traditional Herbs as advised by friends. His herb is Not much bitter or sour taste.
BalasHapusDosage two times daily every day for four weeks, and honest to goodness it was a miraculous herbs. We were on it for not more than two weeks when we noticed total change. 'couldn't wait for four weeks. It was third week and five days we used the herbs. Then we went for test and was already hsv2 negative, the both of us. Neither of us have had any lesion, outbreak or symptoms till date.
For traditional and permanent hsv cure, Dr Utu is the key. Contact him on or direct WhatsApp or phone +2347032718477